Tuesday, March 31, 2015

ABDOMINAL EXERCISE: "Is the Abdominal crunch better with fitball?". PART II

Destabilizing material in the Abdominal training. 

(Part Two)
Hello to all the people, later the yesterday publication we continue with the second part of the topic of abdominal training in unstable situations. We prepare to analyze today the abdominal exercise "Crunch" with the application of a destabilizing material like the fitball.
As Behm and cols., stands out., (2002), the fitball has been demonstrated as an effective method of training. Since already we mention in the previous post, "The strengthening of the lumbo-abdominal muscles in unstable surface demands a major participation of the system of motive control in order to stabilize and to balance the trunk ".
       It is necessary to emphasize that in the training of the lumbo-abdominal musculature in unstable surfaces, there exist some positions that they submit to the rachis with high loads that can be excessive in inexpert subjects (Vera-Garcia and cabbage., 2000) due to the torque that is generated on having realized exercises with the extremities, top or low. This situation puts stress on the musculature of the core estability, in order to stabilize the column, beside increasing the demands propioceptivas (Gambetta and cabbage., 1999 in Cosio-lime and cabbage., 2003).

Monday, March 30, 2015

ABDOMINAL EXERCISE: "Destabilizing material in the Abdominal training". PART I

Destabilizing material in the Abdominal training. 

(Part One).

     Hello friends, during today and tomorrow we will publish a couple of posts very interesting about the abdominal training in unstable means. We will try to leave a clear and simple information that we we all could understand and handle, to be able to apply it later in your trainings. Of all forms if you have doubts you can leave a comment us. Here  we leave the first part.

    In this first part that we publish today, we will answer to the following questions:

          - What is the destabilizing material?
          - Which is it use?
          - How and when should you use the destabilizing material in  the abdominal training?.
          - That effects has the abdominal training in unstable surfaces?.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Horizontal rowing with dumbbell

"Horizontal rowing with dumbbell"

Hello friends, today we fulfil a new post it brings over of an exercise of easy accomplishment but that great people realize of an incorrect form, today we try to explain like to realize this exercise of a correct and healthy form, it is a question of the exercise "horizontal rowing with dumbbell", this exercise is very good to strengthen the back, since we work with free weight, so that we can involve the stabilizing muscles.

To realize this exercise only we need a bank and it dumbbell one.

The musculature involved in this exercise is the following one:

-         -  The dorsal width.
-          - The round major one.
-          - The trapeze.
-          - The romboides.
-          - Later Part of the deltoid.

Of secondary form also we work the following musculature:

-         -  Brachial Biceps.
-          - Brachial previous.

-          - Long Supinator.

Thursday, March 26, 2015



       Hello friends, today we leave you a new post about the lumbar training and some of the most realized exercises. This exercise is of very easy execution that it is possible to do at home or in the gymnasium. The principal problem is the little information about the correct execution, therefore today we are going to explain to you, how it is done and the way most adapted to avoid positions of lumbar hyperextension.

       Incorrect Execution:
  •     It tries to be taken down and arching the body in the lumbar zone.
  •     Simultaneous raising of the trunk and the low extremities.
  •    So that only it stays the pelvis rests on the soil.

       Common mistakes:
  •     The action to raise the legs and the arms backward simultaneously, submits to the low part of the column to an unnecessary tension.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Leg Extension

     Hello friends, today we publish a new post about an  classic exercise of the fitness rooms. This exercise is called "Leg Extension"and usually the exercise is done with a specific fitness machine. Although the exercise is simple and easy to perform, most people make mistakes that may affect their articular health, specially  to their articulation of the knee. 

     It is an analytical and monoarticular exercise since only affects the knee joint and it isolates all the work for the quadriceps. Usually included in most routines alongside more global training exercises for legs.

    Besides, the  performing of this exercise is often indicated during certain phases of rehabilitation of injuries and also in early stages of toning and muscle strengthening after states of atrophy or low fitness. Therefore it is a useful exercise for people who are getting started in strength training, if it is combinated with other exercises that work the lower body.

Sunday, March 22, 2015


"Elevation of pelvis"

Good days friends, today we are going to treat a very important musculature for our body and our health, overcoat our vertebral health, today we are going to speak about the lumbar musculature and are going to explain a sure and effective exercise to strengthen our lumbar musculature, it is a question of the " elevation of pelvis”.

This exercise is sure since on having be realized in laying prono we avoid an excessive curvature realizes lumbar back that us could provoke some type of injury, also it allows us to work our buttocks, for these motives we think that if we want to strengthen our lumbar zone and buttocks of a sure and effective form it is one of the most complete exercises and of easy execution, since it has the facility of being able to be realized in house, due to the fact that he does not need any type of material of gymnasium to realize it; later we explain the accomplishment of the exercise.

Starting position

We place laying prono with the legs flexed in an angle of 45 º.
The arms are extended next to the trunk.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Arm Exercise: Curl of Biceps with Barbell.

Curl of Biceps with Barbell.

       Hello Friends, today we leave you a new post about new exercise and that doesn’t have many difficulties for his accomplishment, it is possible to carry out, in the gymnasium or in house, but always attending to a few criteria for his correct execution and avoiding to adopt incorrect positions.

       We are going to speak about the "Curl of biceps", one of the advantages about this exercise, it is that you don’t need any specific material to realize it, simply a barbell curl. As for the muscular implication necessary for the accomplishment of the exercise we emphasize the Brachial one, brachial biceps and braquiorradial.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Push Up

Hello friends, today we bring you a simple , classic and very effective exercise . The exercise which we will discuss today is the "  Arm flexions " . One advantage of this exercise is that you do not need any specific material to do this, we speak of a workout where the only items needed are the weight of your own body and the ground. Also, today we released our YouTube channel with a video about pushups, do not miss it .

      As for the muscular involvement necessary for completion of the exercise , we highlight activation of the pectoral,deltoides and triceps .

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Lateral elevations with  dumbbell

     Good days friends, today we have a new publication, in which we are going to speak it brings over of the training shoulder, and we have a perfect exercise to strengthen our shoulders, later we are going to speak on the exercise "lateral elevations with dumbbell".

     We place of foot with the legs lightly separated and bent, the straight back and the arms parallel to the trunk holding one dumbbell in each hand, we raise the arms with the elbows lightly bent up to the horizontal position and return to the position of beginning.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Abdominal Exercise : "Crunch " vs " Sit Up"

Crunch -vs- Sit Up. Which is better ?

       Hello Friends, today we leave you a new post, about one of the most interesting topics at the moment from making the abdominals, of the most effective and sure form. For this motive we will explain like to do the Sit Up and his consequences.

       In the previous post about the Crunch, we explain the execution of the exercise, which they are the advantages of realizing this exercise and because it should realize. Well then, today we want to offer you the Sit Up and to explain to you the execution of this exercise and because we dissuade it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015



     Hello friends, today we are goingo to talk about a basic exercise to train the muscles of the lower extremities effectively and that can be done at home or in the gym. This exercise is known as stride , split or lunge , and is part of most workout routines both male and female.

This exercise involves activation of the quadriceps, gluteos maximus and hamstrings. However the exercise must be done properly to be effective and healthy, not as is normally observed in most gyms. Let review the most important aspects to avoid mistakes in execution of the exercise:

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Triceps Brachii Exercise

Triceps Brachii Exercise

"Vertical extension alternated of the elbow with dumbbells"

     Today we are going to explain this exercise with which you  work the long portion of the triceps, this exercise will provide a strong triceps to you..

     In this exercise we must take a lot of care with the posture because since the position which it is performed, can do make injuries in  shoulders or  back.

     This exercise can be done sitting with the support of your back in  the back of the bench,  or standing  if you can keep your back straight. Our advice is to do it in the most comfortable way but you must always have or keep the straight back and not to overload her.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Abdominal Exercise : "Crunch "

 Exercises: Abdominals "Crunch"

       Good afternoon, today we leave you a new post in our blog about the benefits of realizing abdominals exercises in a training.  This is a very simple exercise which we can do at home without any type of risk injury.

       The muscles of the abdominal Wall (rectus abdominu muscle, external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominis muscle) and the Psoas plays an important role in the correct proper functions of the lumbar rachis. (Juker y cols., 1998). The stabilizing role of the abdominal musculature, it’s based on the aptitude to reduce the intradiscal pressure in the rachis lumbar-dorsal. (Anderson y cols., 1997; Hodges y Richardson, 1999).

       The execise about which we’re going to speak today “Crunch” it’s an exercise that has demonstrated to be very suitable and effective for the abdominal musculature, furthermore, it’s very secure for the rachis lumbar-dorsal (Warden y cols., 1999; Axler y McGill, 1997) for reducing compressing forces(<2000 N) an the stress of shears (McGill, 1998; 2001; Juker y cols., 1998). Báñez y cols. (1999) recommend realising this exercise for being more effective in the rectus abdominis muscle activation and so reduce the factors of risk of the active coxofemoral flexion.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


       Hello everyone, today we are going to publish a very interesting post about the different types of grips which usually use in our workouts. This information is essential for you because it is the base of the success of the fitness exercises.
Extraido de Baechle T. & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico.