Thursday, May 14, 2015

Abdominal Plate

"Abdominal plate"

Hello friends, today we raise in our blog a simple power point of the exercise "Abdominal plate ", hope that you like and that it you is useful for your routine of trainings.

Later you can see our power point.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Core training

    Hello friends, today new post on the abdominal training. We leave you an example of routine of abdominal training in order that you could incorporate it at the end of your trainings.


Monday, May 11, 2015

Supply, nutrition and hydration in the sport

"Supply, nutrition and hydration in the sport"

Hello friends, today we have a new post in our blog, in this new publication we speak on the supply and a correct hydration at the moment of realizing sport.

We hope that you like and use you as usefulness for when realiceis sport sepais correct forma of to feeding it, to nourish yourselves it and to hydrate yourselves correctly.


Physical activity for the health

"Physical activity for the health"

Today we have a pdf in which we explain some exercises and rutinos brings over of the physical activity and the health, since it influences the physical activity in our health, so much mentally as physics and the benefits that we can obtain.

We hope that you like and that it serves you in a future to be able to realize physical activity of a healthy form.


pdf.Physical activista for the health

Importance of the physical activity in the maintenance of the health

"Importance of the physical activity in the maintenance of the health"

Hello friends, today we have in our blog a pdf in which we are going to speak on the importance of the physical activity for our health, since it influences the sport in the future of our body.

We hope that you like this publication since it is a very important topic in our company, the health by means of the physical activity.


pdf.Importance of the physical activity in the maintenance of the health


Leg Press. Part (II). Recommendations and Mistakes.

    Welcome to the Blog again friends, today we will speak on about the recommendations of accomplishment of this exercise to the different sectors of population, and about the most typical mistakes that the sportsmen commit in this exercise. 


    As already was said in the previous post, the exercise of "Leg Press ", it is a perfect exercise( for the beginners of the world of the Fitness, since it offers a valid alternative, to the exerciseof the "Squat", needing less muscular commitment of the stabilizing zone of the trunk, and a minor level of tenchique. With the passage of time it is possible to progress from this exercise, towards to the Squat. In addition this exercise  this one indicated for persons with problems of back, which could not realize the "Squat" since the vertebrae are not submitted to a vertical excessive pressure. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Leg Press. Part (I). Tecnhique. 

    Hello friends today we are going to explain the exercise of press of legs. This exercise presents many technical similarities with the sentadillas, though it does not need of an excessive training of base for its  accomplishment and its technology is less complex. 

    During the accomplishment of this exercise  we work principally the gluteus maximus and the cuádriceps, and in addition, muscles of the hamstring, adductors and glutes medius happen.

Tips: Weight-lifting belt

Weight-lifting belt

       Hello followers of TFE today you let's sense beforehand a different post, we are going to speak on diverse materials that they can find in the bodybuilding room, but in I make concrete of the lumbar belt, of when it is necessary to use it, with what frequency and in that exercises It is in the habit of using more.

       We think that it is good to know certain advices on these materials, for a future occasion to have the major knowledge on his use.

       The function of the lumbar belts is to protect the lumbar zone of the back of possible injuries related to the raising heavy lift during the exercises of bodybuilding rooms, overcoat in those exercises in which the back is not supported in any support or bank and in that therefore, a major risk of injury exists.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Oar to the neck with bar

"Oar to the neck with bar"

Hello friends today we have a new publication in our blog, today we are going to speak about an exercise that we see often in the gymnasia but that often is not realized of the correct form to obtain a good work in our musculature, are speaking about the exercise "Oar to the neck with bar".

This exercise if it is realized correctly fortifies of a correct form our trapeze, but often the exercise is not realized well, normally for ignorance of the correct technology or for overweight in the accomplishment of the exercise.

The implied musculature is the following one:

-            Average Deltoid.
-           Supraespinoso.
-           Elevator of the escápulas.
-           Upper Fibers of the trapeze.

Of secondary form the worn out musculature is the following one:

-            Portion talks of the brachial biceps.
-           Previous Deltoid.

-           Fascicles claviculares of the pectoral one.

The correct execution of the exercise:

Initial Position.

Of foot, with the feet to the width of the shoulders and holding a bar with the widespread arms.

Upsward movement.

From the initial position we raise the bar lightly at a height of our shoulders.

Downward movement.

From the previous position, we get down the bar up to coming to the initial position of the exercise.


-            To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.
-            Not to realize balancing with the body.
-            Not to put an excessive weight.
-            To realize the whole range of movement.


Colado Sánchez, J.C. (1996). Fitness en las salas de musculación. Barcelona, España: INDE.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Back exercise: Seated cable row

Seated cable row

       Hello friends, today we are going to explain a very effective exercise to you to work the musculature of the back, are going to work the Seated cable row, this exercise consists of doing a movement simulating that one is doing a row exercise.

        That implies the different muscles of the back like Dorsal broadly, roundly major, portion happens of the trapeze and romboides.

       Therefore it is necessary to depart from an initial position
  • It is necessary to sit looking at the support of the machine and flex the legs them resting on the support. 
  • It is necessary to have a correct position therefore it is necessary to sit raised and to press the trunk on the support of the machine.
  • To take the handles using a grasp closed in over hands grasp
  • To extend totally the elbows.

       The exercise begins with the backward phase of movement

  •  Where it's necessary to pull the handles towards the chest.
  •  Since good we have said before, to support the raised trunk and the elbows close to the ribs.
  •  To pull the handles as backward as possible.
  • Not to move the trunk as help to move the weight. Important

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Part IV - Analysis of the Mistakes committed by the 

sportsmen in theSquat.

Good days friends, we begin the day with energy. Today we leave us a online presentation  analyzing the " top 5 " of the most common mistakes committed during the accomplishment of the Bench press.

It is important to clarify that this analysis has realized from the point of view of the sport - health. 

We hope that it helps you to improve. TFEteam.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Part III - Video - analysis of the execution of Squat.

 Third part of the publications dedicated to Squat.

    We leave you the video that the TFEteam has prepared with the aim to show with visual form as to realize of correct  form the execution of this exercise , from the point of view of the sport - health.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Dead lift (Mistakes)

"Dead lift (Mistakes)"

Hello friends, today we are going to speak it brings over of an exercise that already exists commenting in previous publications, it is very important to include this exercise in our routine of exercises, since it is a very complete exercise and that it will make us gain force of a correct form, we are speaking about the "Dead Weight ", are going to speak about the mistakes in the technical execution of the dead weight.

We have commented that this exercise is very important for the complete thing that is, but also it is necessary to indicate that it is an exercise in which one is in the habit of using great load, and therefore if it is not realized correctly it can be very harmful, for it we are going to add a list of mistakes that we must avoid if we try to realize this exercise in our routine, also we want to remember that two types exist of doing dead weight, the so called dead traditional weight and the weight died to the supreme style.


-       To arch the back on having realized this exercise takes place often, this we must avoid it since the lumbar zone can damage us.

-       Sometimes there are executed balancings and impulses that are realized of unconscious form to raise more weight, we must try not to do these small impulses and for it we us should lower weight.

-       Also as reason of an excessive weight, many persons are in the habit of realizing an excessive extension of hips and shoulders, which are totally inadvisable, the way of solving this mistake us, would be lowering weight.

-       Before we have said that one is in the habit of arching in excess the back, well then, another common and more serious mistake still is to realize this exercise with the back in cifosis, that is to say, with the rounded back, this can cause his serious injuries.

-       Though it is not a mistake of execution also we consider important to name it, since it is in the habit of happening often, many sportsmen use of excessive form the lumbar belt, and there are thought that already they can raise more weight of what actually they can, and alone this goes to realize a bad technology of the exercise for an excessive weight.

-       Also it is another common mistake to lower too much the bar, of this form we can manage to emphasize more the exercise in the back that in the low train and this is not what we want.


Saturday, May 2, 2015



    Hello friends, and welcome again to our blog. In this publication, we are going to leave of the habitual thing, and are going to speak of since the music can influence the development of our strength training at the  gym.

    We all have done to ourselves at some time the following question:

- Is to listen to music during the strength training beneficial for the sportsman?

    To answer to this question we are going to realize a brief bibliographical review of articles of research in order to find answers that have been stated by experts and investigators  of the matter.

   Karageorghis, 1996, realized a study with 50 participants (25 males and 25 women) where it measured the force of prensión after listening to stimulant, tranquilizing music or without music. They found significantly higher punctuations of force after the participants were listening to stimulant music in comparison with the participants who did not listen to any music or listened to tranquilizing music.

Back exercise: Wide gripe lat pulldown

Wide grip lat pulldown

       Today they let's sense beforehand an exercise very realized in the bodybuilding  rooms to work the muscles of the back, where they are implied dorsal broadly, roundly major, rhomboid and portion happens of the trapeze.

       If friends, we explain to you the skill of execution of the wide grip lat pulldown, an exercise that is easy to work when the suitable indications are known.

       Therefore to begin the exercise is necessary to adopt an initial attitude:
  • It is necessary to take the bar by means of a grasp in overhand
  • This grasp must be broader than the width of the shoulders
  • To place the thighs under the quilted ceilings
  • To incline the trunk lightly backward
  • To extend the elbows

       Downward phase movement
  • It’s necessary to pull the bar down and towards the top portion of the chest.
  • To keep the trunk lightly sloping
  • Not help yourself with the body to move the weight
  • And to lower the bar up to the chest. 

       Upward phase movement
  • It's necessary to extend the elbows lightly up to coming to the initial position
  • To support a correct corporal attitude

Extraído de Baechle T & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico. Ed. Médica Panamericana


Friday, May 1, 2015

Tips: Press behind neck

Press behind neck

       Today we are going to speak about a totally ill-advised exercise and that still it is possible to see for the gymnasium room, which we want is to arouse all our followers of FTEteam and to explain to them in today because it is a harmful exercise for us and that variants can choose.

       The exercise Press behind neck is dissuaded, for the following motives:
  • In the press the humerus shocks against the acromion, which supposes a systematic pressure of the supraespinous and of the long tendon of the biceps. 
  • If we abuse this movement for ignorance of the problems that can cause one of the most habitual irrigations it is of suffering the syndrome subacromial with the classic pain in the joint on having raised the arm.
  • Is a slightly natural exercise and compromises furthermore to the joint of the shoulder in a slightly favorable position for the increase in the external rotation of the arm. 
  • Many persons are not capable as to be able to pass the bar behind the head, this is due to a shortening of the pectoral major one.
  •  For this decompensation they aggravate the movement flex the head towards ahead, and if we take the head towards ahead the most probable thing it is that the rest of the column accompanies to this compensation the dorsal curve being accentuated and provoking pains in the cervical one and in the vertebral column.
  • While we realize this exercise the arms are in the habit of being inclined enough backward. Already of for yes this position it is not normal and for many persons it is even painful, traversing the risk of injury or tendinitis in the part of the shoulder. 
  • If to this we add the elevation of too much weight at the moment of training with this exercise we will aggravate more the problem, since we add more tension to a forced position being able to damage us very much in the shoulders.

       In the shape of summary we want to make clear that this exercise is based principally in putting the shoulder in a position of abduction and external extreme rotation. Generally already we have it complicated, but in addition, in this position, not naturally at all for the body and in that several stabilizing muscles of the shoulder (very small muscles and that can exercise very little relative force since they take charge stabilizing the shoulder only) as the supraespinous or the subescapular are in hyperextension, have to exercise a maximum force to raise the weight. 

       Again, the body is not designed to raise weight in this position. The stabilizers of the shoulder are as muscles of support and are not designed not qualified to do such force in such an extreme position.

        Alternative exercises to work shoulders are:

- Military Press with bar or dumbbell
- Frontal alternative elevations with dumbbell:



Thursday, April 30, 2015

DEAD LIFT (Variant I Add up)

"DEAD LIFT (Variant I Add up)"

Hello friends, today we have a new publication that is related to one of the previous publications, are speaking about the dead weight, but there exists another variant that also is very effective and the work it emphasizes other muscular groups, we are speaking about the dead weight but the variant of I add up.

In the dead conventional weight one is employed with a range of major movement at the hip, and in the dead weight of the variant of I add up one is employed with a major range of movement at the knees.

The musculature involved in the technical execution is the following one:

-       Femoral Quadriceps.
-       Vast average Quadriceps.
-       Vast lateral Quadriceps.
-       Average Adductor.
-       Minor Adductor.
-       Major Adductor.

-       Major Gluteus.

The technical correct execution is the following one:

Initial Position

Of foot, with the feet more separated that in the dead conventional weight (a bit more of the width of the shoulders), we hold a bar ahead of the thighs and the hands placed to the width of the shoulders, also we can use you dumbbell.

Downward movement

We lower the bar up to coming a bit below the knees, it is important not to bend the back, the back always must be straight, and the knees flexed.

Upsward movement

From the previous position, we raise the trunk and return to the initial position without stretching completely the knees.


-       Not to bend the back.
-       Not to stretch completely the knees.
-       Not to come up to the soil.
-       To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.




    Hello friends, welcome again to our Blog. The following publication corresponds to the second part of the exercise "Squat", and during this one, we are going  to analyze two questions that repeat very much in the majority of sportsmen/sportswomen during the accomplishment of the Sentadillas or Squat and that can make that the technique of the exercise realizes of incorrect form and the risk of injury increases.

   To be attentive to the advices to be able to apply them to your training and improve your technique in the Squat.

    1. That to do if during the descending phase of the Sentadilla or Squat the sportsman detaches the heels of the soil?

    This this question related to the mistake of separating our heels of the soil during the decent phase, when they must remain these in continuous contact with the soil.  The most probable thing is that this this mistake provoked by a shortening of Achilles' tendon.  To solve it, we can choose to put a small rise or support to provide more stability and to eliminate the mistake.

    2. If you realize sentadilla with bar, how to realize the grip and where to support the barbell?

    Is one of the big problems and where more mistakes are commented at the moment of realizing this exercise, since the majority of sportsman/sportswoman they support badly the barbell and this generates pains in the neck and back.

Are going to go stepwise:

  • Grasp of the bar: 

- To approach Squats's cage, to take the bar using a grip closed in pronation (to look post at " types of grip ").

- To place under the barbell.