Thursday, April 30, 2015

DEAD LIFT (Variant I Add up)

"DEAD LIFT (Variant I Add up)"

Hello friends, today we have a new publication that is related to one of the previous publications, are speaking about the dead weight, but there exists another variant that also is very effective and the work it emphasizes other muscular groups, we are speaking about the dead weight but the variant of I add up.

In the dead conventional weight one is employed with a range of major movement at the hip, and in the dead weight of the variant of I add up one is employed with a major range of movement at the knees.

The musculature involved in the technical execution is the following one:

-       Femoral Quadriceps.
-       Vast average Quadriceps.
-       Vast lateral Quadriceps.
-       Average Adductor.
-       Minor Adductor.
-       Major Adductor.

-       Major Gluteus.

The technical correct execution is the following one:

Initial Position

Of foot, with the feet more separated that in the dead conventional weight (a bit more of the width of the shoulders), we hold a bar ahead of the thighs and the hands placed to the width of the shoulders, also we can use you dumbbell.

Downward movement

We lower the bar up to coming a bit below the knees, it is important not to bend the back, the back always must be straight, and the knees flexed.

Upsward movement

From the previous position, we raise the trunk and return to the initial position without stretching completely the knees.


-       Not to bend the back.
-       Not to stretch completely the knees.
-       Not to come up to the soil.
-       To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.




    Hello friends, welcome again to our Blog. The following publication corresponds to the second part of the exercise "Squat", and during this one, we are going  to analyze two questions that repeat very much in the majority of sportsmen/sportswomen during the accomplishment of the Sentadillas or Squat and that can make that the technique of the exercise realizes of incorrect form and the risk of injury increases.

   To be attentive to the advices to be able to apply them to your training and improve your technique in the Squat.

    1. That to do if during the descending phase of the Sentadilla or Squat the sportsman detaches the heels of the soil?

    This this question related to the mistake of separating our heels of the soil during the decent phase, when they must remain these in continuous contact with the soil.  The most probable thing is that this this mistake provoked by a shortening of Achilles' tendon.  To solve it, we can choose to put a small rise or support to provide more stability and to eliminate the mistake.

    2. If you realize sentadilla with bar, how to realize the grip and where to support the barbell?

    Is one of the big problems and where more mistakes are commented at the moment of realizing this exercise, since the majority of sportsman/sportswoman they support badly the barbell and this generates pains in the neck and back.

Are going to go stepwise:

  • Grasp of the bar: 

- To approach Squats's cage, to take the bar using a grip closed in pronation (to look post at " types of grip ").

- To place under the barbell.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Curl of forearms with bar in pronation

"Curl of forearms with bar in pronation"

Hello friends, today we have a new post in our blog in which we are going to see a musculature about which till now we had not spoken, are speaking about the muscles of the forearms and in I make concrete we are going to speak about an exercise that is very effective and without any type of risk of injury, are speaking about the exercise "curl about forearms with bar in pronation".

To strengthen the forearms is important, we do not stop to think in the muscles that they intervene at the moment of realizing exercises of top train, always we are dependent on the pectoral ones, the shoulders, biceps, triceps, dorsal, but we do not realize that at the moment of realizing these exercises we realize a grasp, and therefore we are using of an indirect form the musculature of the forearms, for the same motive it is important to develop these muscles in order that they could fulfill a correct function in the rest of exercises in which it needs a strong grasp.

The musculature involved in this exercise is the following one:

-       First radial.
-       Radial Second.
-       The First radial day pupil.
-       Radial external Second.
-       Common Extensor of the fingers.
-       Own Extensor of the little finger.
-       Ulna later.

-       Own Extensor of the index.

Later we are going to explain the correct technical execution of the exercise:

Initial Position

Sat in a bank and with the forearms rested on the bank, the hands placed in pronation and holding a bar.

Upsward movement

From the initial position we realize an extension of wrist.

Downward movement

From the previous position we get down slowly the wrist up to returning to the initial position.


-       To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.
-       Not to help itself in the extension of wrist with the body.
-       Not to move the arms during the execution of the exercise.


Delavier, F. (2004). Guide of Musculación's Movements. Anatomical description. Barcelona. Paidotribo.

Power Exercise: Snatch(III)

Part III - Video - analysis of the execution of Snatch.

Third part of the publications dedicated to Snatch

We leave you the video that the TFEteam has prepared with the aim to show with visual form as to realize of correct form the execution of this exercise, from the point of view of the sport - health.

And we show you a pdf in order that you could download this information about the skill of execution.

- Baechle T & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico.
- J.E.Quiroga Díaz(2008). La técnica de los ejercicios de fuerza.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Power exercise: Snatch(II)

 Power exercise: Snatch(II)

       Second part of technique of exercise

       Upward phase movement: the second pull
  • Explosive extension of the knees and the hips and flexion to plant of the ankles.
  • To support the bar surrounds or in touch with the previous face of the thighs.
  • To support the bar so near the body as is possible.
  • To keep the straight back, the elbows orientated towards out and the head on line with the vertebral column.
  • To support the shoulders on the bar and the extended elbows the major possible time.
  •  When the joints of the low train reach the complete extension, the shoulders are shrunk rapidly up, but without flex the elbows still
  • In the moment in which the shoulders reach his maximum increase, flex the elbows to start placing the body under the bar.
  • To continue pulling the arms so highly and so much time as be possible.
  • Due to the explosive nature of this phase, the torso is, the head lightly inclined backward and the feet can lose contact with the soil.

       Upward phase movement: captures
  • As soon as the low train has spread completely and the bar has reached almost his maximum height, to put the body under the bar and to rotate the hands around and below the bar.
  • Simultaneously, flex the hips and the knees staying in a position of a quarter of squat.

       To capture the bar with:
•The totally widespread elbows;
•The raised and tense trunk;
•The head in neutral position;
•The whole surface of the feet in touch with the soil; and
•The bar lightly behind the head.
•To extend the hips and the knees to adopt a totally raised position.
•To stabilize the bar over the head.
  • Updown phase  movement
  • To lower the bar by means of the gradual reduction of the muscular tension of the shoulders to allow a decrease controlled of the bar up to the thighs.
  • Flex simultaneously the hips and the knees to muffle the impact of the bar in the thighs.
  • Flex the knees and the hips with the totally widespread elbows until the bar touches the soil.

 -Extraído de Baechle T & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico. Ed. Médica Panamericana


Monday, April 27, 2015



Hello friends, today we have a new publication on an exercise about which we have to speak for his great importance in the development of the force, it is a very complete exercise that helps us to gain force of a significant form, and we are speaking about the exercise “dead weight”.

This exercise is very important in any routine and helps us to gain force, is a very complete exercise, but if there is not realized the technical execution of a correct form it can manage to produce serious injuries, since it is an exercise in which normally for his development they can raise big quantities of weight.

The muscular implied groups are the following ones:

            - Major Glúteo.
            - Isquiotibiales.
            - Combine thorny muscles.

Later we are going to explain the technical execution of the exercise:

Initial Position:

Of foot with the feet separated to the width of the shoulders, we hold a bar ahead of the thighs and the hands placed to the width of the shoulders, also we can use you dumbbell.

Downward movement

We lower the trunk realizing the movement of hip, it is important not to bend the back, the back always must be straight, and the knees little flexed, the hands must go down a bit below the knees.

Upwards movement

From the previous position, we raise the trunk realizing the movement of hip, and we return to the initial position without stretching completely the knees.


            - Not to bend the back.
            - Not to stretch completely the knees.
            - Not to come up to the soil.
            - Not flexed in excess the knees.
            - To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Power exercise: Snatch (I)

Power exercise: Snatch (I)

       Hello friends, today they let's sense beforehand the third exercise of power, which is an exercise very known inside the world of the fitness, therefore today we are going to speak about the Sudden departure also called Snacht. 

       The aim of this exercise consists of pulling the bar of energetic and rapid form from the soil up to placing it over the head, with the totally extended shoulders everything in a movement. Though the rising movement consists of multiple phases, the rising movement of the bar takes place of constant form without interruption.

       In the today post we will speak about the initial position that it is necessary to adopt, besides the first two as rising phases since it are the first pull and the transition. And in the following post on this one exercises we will speak about the second pull and about the capture.

       Analysis of the execution of the Snatch

       The first step is to place of foot with the feet separated to the width of the hips and that of the shoulders. In necessary flex the hips and the knees and it is necessary to take the bar using a closed grasp, in overhand grip.

       The following step is to extend the elbows totally and placed the body of the following way:

  • Straight back or lightly arched,
  • Relaxed trapezes and lightly stuck-up,
  • I pay towards out and up,
  • Escápulas retiring(unsociable),
  • Head on line with the vertebral column 
  • Heels in touch with the soil,
  • Shoulders on or lightly ahead of the bar and
  • Sight centred directly to the front or lightly up.

       Upward phase movement: the first pull
  • To raise the bar of the soil extending energetically the hips and the knees.
  • To prevent the hips from rising before that the shoulders.
  • To support the straight back.
  • To support the totally widespread elbows, the head aligned with the vertebral column, and the shoulders on or lightly ahead of the bar.
  • On having raised the bar, to support it so near the blackheads as is possible.

       Upward phase movement (scoop)
  • On having raised the bar over the knees, having moved the hips forward and having turned to flex lightly the knees to place the thighs against the bar and the knees below the bar.
  • To support the straight back or lightly arched, the elbows totally widespread and orientated towards out, and the head on line with the vertebral column.

-Extraído de Baechle T & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico. Ed. Médica Panamericana.



Squat. Basic Movement. Part (I).

     Hello everybody, today we are going to dedicate our entry to one of the exercises most used in the GYM, and that forms a part of any routine of training.  We are speaking about the Squat.

    The Squat is a complete exercise, which implies principally like muscles agonists "the quadriceps" (previous, vast external, vast internal rectum, crural) and the gluteus maximus, and as muscles synergists of the exercise the hamstring. In addition there is fundametal the activation of certain muscles that fulfill a stabilizing function (they help to keep the correct position) since are the spinal erectors and the transverse abdominal.

    In addition this exercise can be realized without any type of material using only our own corporal weight, or with overload using you dumbbell or barbell.

Phase of descending movement.

- To place the feet of parallel form between them, with a separation similar to that of the width of the shoulders and with the fingers orientated lightly towards out.

- Respecting the described position of the feet previously, to begin to realize a flexion of knees until the thigh remains parallel to the soil (90 º of flexion). It is said commonly that: " we have to have the sensation that we are going to sit down in a chair ".

* Important to support during the accomplishment of this phase to support the straight back, to keep the elbows high, to keep the heels in touch with the soil and the mentally ill knees on our feet, without exceeding in excess the tops of the same ones.

Phase of ascending movement.

- To extend the hip and the knees to the same speed.

- To keep the angle constant between the trunk and the soil.

* Important to support the straight back (avoiding the flexion of the trunk ahead or to round the back), to keep the elbows high, to keep the heels in touch with the soil and the mentally ill knees on our feet.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Elevations of heels of foot with machine

"Elevations of heels of foot with machine"

     Hello friends, today we have a new publication that is related by one of our last post.

     We try to complement and to complete an exercise that normally we realize without bearing in mind if we are developing our musculature to hundred for hundred or only we are developing it in a small percentage, are speaking about the exercise " elevations of heels of foot with machine ", a very effective exercise to develop the musculature of our twins, but we must go beyond during the execution of the exercise and think about what form we are working our twins.

     This exercise normally is realized by the top of the feet looking towards ahead, of this form we are working our gastrocnemius, that is to say, our twins, but now we should do a question to us, are we working our twins of a complete form?

     We must remember that the twin is formed by two portions, the internal gastrocnemio and gastrocnemio externally and that depending on the direction of our feet during the execution of the exercise both portions do not work equally, with this we want to say that we are developing or affecting more the work in a portion or other one.

     Position of the feet during the execution of the exercise:

     If we try to work or to affect more in the internal gastrocnemio, we must place the tops of the feet appearing lightly towards out, that is to say, as if we were forming one "v" with our feet, of this form we will affect more on the internal portion of the twin.

     If on the contrary we want to imply more the external portion of the twin, at the time we will have to place the top of our feet lightly inward.

     Of this form we are working of a more specific form our twins, as normally in a gymnasium the sportsmen do it for example, with the biceps in his long portion and his portion it cuts.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Power exercise: Power clean (III)

Part III - Video - analysis of the execution of Power clean

       Third part of the publications dedicated to Power Clean

       We leave you the video that the TFEteam has prepared with the aim to show with visual form as to realize of correct form the execution of this exercise , from the point of view of the sport - health.


-Baechle T & Earle R. (2007). Principios del entrenamiento de la Fuerza y del Acondicionamiento Físico.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Part III - Video - analysis of the execution of 

Bench Press.

    Third part of the publications dedicated to the Bench Press. 

    We leave you the video that the TFEteam has prepared with the aim to show with  visual form as to realize of correct form the execution of this exercise , from the point of view of the sport - health.

Elevations of heels of foot with machine

"Elevations of heels of foot with machine"

Hello friends, today we have a new publication in which we go away to centring on a musculature that many sportsmen and persons who come often to a room of musculación we observe that they do not affect in the work of these muscles, refer to the twins.

Normally the low train is a part forgotten in the rooms of musculación and even more the twins, this produces decompensations in our body and overloads that act of negative form in our body, a top very developed and worn out train that it(he) must be supported for a low very little developed train and in some cases almost not worked.

The musculature involved in this exercise is the following one:

         - External Twin.
         - Internal Twin.
         - Sóleos.

Later we are going to explain the technical execution of the exercise:

Initial Position

Of foot with the feet to the width of the shoulders, knees lightly flexionadas and straight back, the ink pads must be supported in the shoulders and the top of the feet in the platform.


We raise the heels realizing an extension of feet or flexion to plant, realizing only the movement of feet, without helping ourselves with the rest of the body.

It is important to support a correct position about not getting hurt, since we are mobilizing weight.


         - To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.
         - To realize the alone movement with the feet, without involving the rest of the body.
         - To support a correct position about avoiding to get hurt for the weight.
         - To avoid to realize rebounds on having finished the movement or to realize a major extension.
