Monday, April 13, 2015



Hello friends, today we are going to speak about a very complete, and effective exercise to exercise several muscular groups of the top train, are speaking about the exercise "pullover", this exercise since already we have said it is very effective for the development of the musculature of the top train but it can take risks if the technical execution is not the correct one.

This exercise we might say that it is the squat of the top train, since it is an exercise to multi-joint, in that they see implied the musculature of the back, the chest, the arms and the core.

In this exercise the principal musculature that we work is:

-       - The pectoral
The musculature involved in minor measure is:

-     -   Serratus anterior.
-      -  Latissimus dorsi.
-      -  Portion talks of the brachial triceps.

-      -  The core.

Later we are going to speak about the technical execution.

Initial position

We place in stretched supine on a bank and hold one it dumbbell on the internal part of the discs.

Downward movement

We descend it dumbbell her with the elbows lightly flexed to avoid some type of injury, and we come even behind the head.

Upwards movement

From the previous position we raise the arms up to going it dumbbell the vertical one of our chest.


-      -  To realize the exercise to a controlled speed.
-      -  Not to get down the completely widespread arms.
-      -  Not to balance the arms to take impulse on having ascended.

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Hola amigos, hoy vamos a hablar de un ejercicio muy completo, y eficaz para ejercitar varios grupos musculares del tren superior, estamos hablando del ejercicio “pullover”, este ejercicio como ya hemos dicho es muy eficaz para el desarrollo de la musculatura del tren superior pero puede llevar riesgos si la ejecución técnica no es la correcta.

Este ejercicio podríamos decir que es la sentadilla del tren superior, ya que es un ejercicio multiarticular, en el que se ven implicada la musculatura de la espalda, el pecho, los brazos y el core.

En este ejercicio la musculatura principal que trabajamos es:

-      -  El pectoral.

La musculatura implicada en menor medida es:

-     -   Serrato anterior.
-      -  Dorsal ancho.
-      -  Porción larga del tríceps braquial.
-      -  El core.

A continuación vamos a hablar de la ejecución técnica.

Posición inicial

Nos colocamos en tendida supino sobre un banco y sujetamos una mancuerna por la parte interna de los discos.

Fase de movimiento descendente

Descendemos la mancuerna con los codos ligeramente flexionados para evitar algún tipo de lesión, y llegamos hasta detrás de la cabeza.

Fase de movimiento ascendente

Desde la posición anterior elevamos los brazos hasta llevar la mancuerna a la vertical de nuestro pecho.


-     -   Realizar el ejercicio a una velocidad controlada.
-      -  No descender los brazos completamente extendidos.
-      -  No balancear los brazos para tomar impulso al ascender.

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  1. Excellent post guys. I like the way you explain how to execute each movement completely. Therefore, i'd like to ask you to write common mistakes with respective images. This could help us better to perform the correct technique.

    1. Thank you for his observation, I will do a post in which the mistakes will be explained in the technical execution of the "pullover".

    2. Thank you for his observation, I will do a post in which the mistakes will be explained in the technical execution of the "pullover".
